10 April 2009

PRQ (Personality-Related Quiz)

  1. Male or female?

    • Beauty and the Beast

  2. Describe yourself.

    • The Siren; My Little Phoenix; Damned and Divine

  3. How do you feel?

    • Nemo; I Walk Alone; Sing For Me

  4. Describe where you live.

    • Minor Heaven; CiarĂ¡n's Well

  5. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

    • Gethsemane; Oasis; A Return to the Sea

  6. What's your transporatation?

    • Elvenpath

  7. What's the weather like?

    • Ocean Soul

  8. Describe your best friend.

    • Boy and the Ghost

  9. What's your favourite time of day?

    • Moondance; Sleeping Sun

  10. If life were a TV show, what would it be?

    • Once Upon A Troubador

  11. What is life to you?

    • Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan; Calling Grace; The Seer

  12. What's the best advice you've given?

    • Higher Than Hope

  13. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

    • My Little Phoenix

  14. What's your favourite food?

    • Dead Gardens

  15. What's your thought for the day?

    • Ghost Love Score

  16. How would you prefer to die?

    • Die Alive

  17. What is the current condition of your soul?

    • Dead Boy's Poem; This Moment is Eternity; Seeking for the Reign

  18. What faults do you bear?

    • Lost Northern Star; Dark Chest of Wonders

25 February 2009

Picture Meme (PM)

  1. First random Wikipedia article: name of your band.
  2. Last few words of the last quote: title of your first album.
  3. Third picture: album cover.
  4. Put it all together.

21 February 2009

SQSS (Standard Question-Style Survey)

What are the brand names you are currently wearing?
Ilary (Yes, it starts with an i, and I think it's from Italy) and Sportex.

Name a flower you like:
Roses, larkspur, lupins, delphiniums ... I seem to have an affinity for column-like flowers, actually.  

Are you dating the person you text most?

Why is the sky blue?
Because of Rayleigh scattering and the Mie solution: only the blue frequency gets through most of the time.

Who/what would you like to see right now?
4+x.  A handful of movies.  A bottle of DayQuil.

What is the main ringtone on your cell?
Doctor Who is my call ring, Halo is my text ring.  I made both 'cause my phone is old and lets me make monophonic ringtones.

What are your nicknames?
Kay ... The Wiki, in joking conversation. 

Describe your dream life:
Married and traveling, possibly.

Who’s your favourite band/rapper/solo artist?
I have several.  XD  Tarja Turunen is a current favourite, though I've recently discovered the magic of Danny Elfman's voice, and Michael Crawford is good to listen to any day.  As to bands - U2, Evanescence, Nightwish ... and the happier offerings of Latin Pop.

What are your plans for spring break?
Catch up on all my classes missed while I was in Montreal the week before.  ... Maybe I'll get to see 4+x.  That'd be nice.

Do you watch the show Friends?
When it's on and I happen to be watching TV, sure.

What was the last thing you made into a heart?
I found a little foil heart in the washing machine, does that count?

How tall is the last person you hugged?
Long-distance hug: 6'1".  Real-life hug: eh ... four feet somethin'?

Speaking of hugs, who is the best hugger you know?
I'm biased - 4+x.

Do you have an addiction? What is it?
The Internet, probably.  XD

If your best friend made out with your boyfriend/girlfriend, what would you do?
Be shocked and hurt.

Are you someone who remembers dates?
The fruit?  No, I don't like dates.  :P  Yes, I remember when 4+x and I go out, although technically we haven't been on a 'date' yet.  (Our relationship has a funny history.) 

Do you hate when people call you when you're sleeping?
No, because I could be sleeping anytime.  :P  If it's in the middle of the night, then I don't mind.  I'm always willing to listen if it's something important.  I just hope I hear the phone.

How did you wake up this morning?
Woke up from a dream where I needed to wake up.

Has anyone ever given you flowers?
Yes.  *happy little smile*

Has anyone ever told you, you have pretty lips?
Yes.  My mother, actually, although she says I have Seven lips.  Which should make sense if you've ever watched Voyager.

Do you wet the toothbrush before the toothpaste?
No, toothpaste then water.

Do you usually eat while on the computer?
I do often, but not normally for meals.

What does your last text say, and who's it from?
Good question.  My phone's all the way over there ... "I dunno. Thought now..." from my mother.

Are you a pill popper?
No.  I will take lots of painkillers when I have a headache though.

Did you date anyone this summer?
Again with the complicated.  Technically no, we weren't dating, but we admitted to liking each other in July.

When you do a puzzle do you find all the edges first?

What will you be doing tomorrow?
Church, homework ... 

What won't you be doing tomorrow?
Probably getting much done.  XD

Does the last person you held hands with mean anything to you?
If the last time I held hands with someone was Tuesday, then it was 4+x, so yes, he means a lot to me.  I could have held hands with siblings since then, however, and they mean a lot to me too.

What was the last thing you did before you went to bed?
Took off my glasses and bracelet.

How long have you had a computer?
Forever and a day.  Not all specifically mine, but I've been using computers for ... well, as long as I can remember.

What's the last article of clothing you bought?
Two shirts and a pair of slacks.

Ever take any of those online personality quizzes?
Yes.  Amusing time-wasters.

What is the first meal you remember eating?
I don't.

Ever go out of your way to exact revenge on someone?

Was it worth it?
*shrug*  Vengeance is not my business.

Who do you miss right now?
One person in particular.

Is your family car new or old?
We have a VW Golf Mk4 and a 2008 (?) Honda Odyssey.

Last song played more than three times in a row?
Tarja Turunen's entire solo album, My Winter Storm.

Think of the person you'd like to be with the most right now.  When did you last talk to them?
4+x, 13 hours ago.

Is there a guy/girl that knows everything or mostly everything about you?

Is there something that you haven't told anyone that you actually would like to tell someone?

Is there something that reminds you of someone every time you see/hear it?
Oh yes ... but add scents to the list, not just sights and sounds.  

What do you want right now?
You have asked me this question several times in several different permutations.  ... but actually, right now I'd like a massage.

Not really.

What were you doing at eight o'clock this morning?

What's your mood?

Who is the last person you told a secret to?
I don't know ... 

What's irritating you right now?
My back and neck hurt.

Who else is in the room with you?
No one.

In winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies?

Do you like scary movies?
Depends on why it's scary.  No, I kid you not.

Plans for tonight?
Talking to 4+x.

When is the last time you swam?
Went hot-tubbing at Ren's about a month ago ... before that, I honestly don't remember.

How do you make headaches go away?
Painkillers, stretches, exercise, massages, sleep ... 

Where will you be 2 hours from now?
Here working.

How do you tell someone you like them without seeming weird?
I have never had to go through that.

15 February 2009

Inyalin needs

Obviously I used my real name and substituted the alias - like I'd find anything for Inyalin!  XD

Inyalin needs eating companions around noon on Wednesday.
Inyalin needs to give Tim food in Social Studies today.
Inyalin needs to take more pictures.
Inyalin needs new painting skills.
Inyalin needs your phone numbers.
Inyalin needs to make heat on the go.
Inyalin needs to get her tortillas.
Inyalin needs help, please.
Inyalin ... needs advice.
Inyalin needs a new computer!

14 February 2009

First post!

There is nothing here yet, but there will be soon I'm sure.

All of the surveys and quizzes I have done in the past on my Windows Live Space are now available at http://lumenyare.wordpress.com.  I will work on categorizing them at some point; right now all the survey entries and normal entries are bunched together.